Kempton New Church School



In a broad sense, curriculum includes all the experiences children have at school. We try to integrate the courses we teach in order to help students see connections between the things that they learn. KNCS generally follows the curriculum suggested for use in all General Church Schools.

At KNCS there are two grades in each classroom. The two grades are usually treated as a unit, following a curriculum that alternates year by year. The first and second grade classroom, for example, follows the first grade curriculum one year and the second grade curriculum the next. In subjects where knowledge given in one year is prerequisite to that taught the following year, especially math and foreign language, the grades are taught separately.


Absence and lateness are serious impediments to any school program. Instances of these are recorded on the report card. If a child is sick, parents must let the school know as soon as possible by telephone or e-mail. If he or she misses three consecutive days of school, or has frequent absences, a doctor’s note may be requested.


High school students are expected to attend all of their classes during mid-term exam week and final exam week. In the event of illness or an emergency, a make-up exam is permitted after being approved by the teacher.

Evaluation and Records:

Report Cards:

Reports are sent to parents twice a year. Grade 5 and onward are given numerical grades as well as written comments. Grades K-4 are given written comments. The grading system is as follows: Excellent 90 — 100 A Good 80 — 89 B Fair 70 — 79 C Fail 0 — 69 F

Oral Conferences:

In addition to report cards, oral conferences between teacher and parent are scheduled twice each year. Standardized Tests: Each year students in Grades 3–8 take the IOWA tests, which measure how well students perform in certain basic skill areas in relation to students throughout the United States and in the General Church system.

Student Records:

These are collected and maintained throughout each child’s schooling. They include:  report cards, including grades, comments and attendance;  standardized tests;  medical and dental records;  and results of any special testing (academic, psychological, or otherwise). All records are confidential, but parents are free to inspect their own children’s records at any time. Adult alumni are also welcome to see all of their own records.


Homework serves many purposes. Any given assignment may provide:  reinforcement and extension of what has been covered in school;  an opportunity to be creative;  and practice in responsibility and independent work. Homework guidelines are as follows, though more or less time may be required on any given day: Grades 1 and 2 15 minutes, 3 days per week Grades 3 and 4 30–45 minutes per day Grades 5 and 6 45–75 minutes per day Grades 7 and 8 75–120 minutes per day Grades 9–12 100–180 minutes per day These guidelines do not assume a particular skill level as much as they assume good habits, which parents can do much to help their children develop. Having a routine of a regular time and a reasonably quiet place to do homework saves students time and frustration. We hope their time at home will not be dominated by homework and that they will have time to play, follow their own interests, and do things with the rest of the family.

Taking Tests at Home:

Often the need arises for the administration of a test or quiz at home, as make-up from an absence or for a failed grade. Staying after school sometimes presents problems for students and parents as well as teachers, so parental willingness to help make this work is appreciated. Guidelines for giving a test at home: A test should be administered by a parent (or other adult) only, not a sibling. The adult should be present for the time the student is taking the quiz, making sure that all books and papers have been put away before he or she begins. The test itself comes in a sealed envelope. There is an envelope inside in which to seal the completed test, with a place for the adult’s signature. By signing, the adult confirms that the test arrived in a sealed envelope, and that the test was given according to the guidelines, and that he or she sealed the envelope after the test was completed.